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Allow for Blended POV with % Inputs

In Article Writer, for POV, allow input for percentage inputs of usage for each specific POV, enabling the user to have blended POVs. For example:Point of View:AutomaticManual(Let's say I select manual)Set Percent Usage:First Person __ %First Person Plural 20 %Second Person 80 %Third Person __%(Total must be 100%)The above rules would force the AI to blend POVs in article writer. That could be a useful way to have the AI include examples of firsthand experience in a predominantly second-person article, which the user could then edit to match to their own experiences. I know a global prompt option is in progress as well, so perhaps that would make this possible. If not, this would be a great feature addition.Even better, include the percent allocation option in "Brand Voice" settings to be applied globally to all posts generated through the article writer.

πŸ’‘ Feature Request

3 days ago